
loving God...loving people...

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 Get to know us...

The Name: What’s “Foursquare” Mean?

Our name reflects the unchanging ministry of Jesus Christ and our mission to declare it worldwide. The four squares of our logo represent the four scriptural roles of Jesus as Savior, Baptizer With the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon-Coming King.

Sunday Evening Worship Service

"Deep calls to deep in the roars of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me." Psalm 42:7

Join us for our new sermon series "Deeper" beginning Sunday, September 8th, as we unpack the mystery of this verse and what the psalmist meant as he penned these words.  

You don't want to miss this!

Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Simple Supper

Join us on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
It’s likely you have a threatening giant in your life…
an adversary or stronghold that’s diminishing your ability to live a full and free life. Frozen in the grip of rejection, fear, anger, comfort or addiction, we lose sight of the promise God has for our lives. Demoralized and defeated, we settle for far less than His best.

God has a better plan for you, a plan for you to live in victory. That’s why He has silenced your giant once and for all.

In Goliath Must Fall, Pastor Louie Giglio uncovers a newfound twist in the classic story of David and Goliath. The key to living free from our giants is not better slingshot accuracy, but keeping our eyes on the one and only giant-slayer–Jesus. Put your hope in Him and watch Goliath fall.

Community and outreach...


Limitless possibilities to be a part of the Great Commission
are available at the BARN. Whether it's hands-on work, prayer, or financial support, you have an opportunity to make a difference locally, nationally, cross-culturally, or internationally. 


The BARN Family rejoices and celebrates whenever someone chooses to pass from the old life of sin to the new life in Christ through Baptism. Romans 6:4 declares, "Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." Just as the death of Jesus is powerful and effective for the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of Jesus is powerful and effective for living a brand new life. In baptism, we have both died and been resurrected to new life with Jesus Christ. Being immersed in the water and rising up again from it symbolizes this death and resurrection with Jesus Christ.

Youth Programs

Opportunities for youth of all ages are available at the BARN. At 5:00 PM on Sundays, our Youth Group (Grades 6-12) meets upstairs at the BARN. Children's Church (Grades K-5) takes place during our regular worship service each Sunday. We also have Nursery services available for children in preschool or younger. 

Blessing Box

We collect and stock a variety of non-perishable food, hygiene, and small clothing items for the Blessing Box located at Ralph's Service at 107 N 5th Street, Blue Mound. 
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