Chapter 8: What Good is a Dead Messiah?
2 Corinthians 10:5“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Believers often apply this verse to guarding their own thought life. I’m not at all saying that’s wrong, but that’s not the actual context of the verse. Paul was concerned over the Corinthians being taken up with apostles who were flashy but empty talkers. He was saying that through the wisdom of God, he’d destroy their arguments. (Sounds like Paul would have made it in a lot of YouTube clips a la Ben Shapiro if he were alive today. I can see it now…. Paul of Tarsus DESTROYS and RIPS TO SHREDS religious opponent with LOGIC and FACTS)"(Manning 2019)
In this post we will discuss Chapter 8: What Good is a Dead Messiah? In your comments please share any insights you may have had or connections you my have made while reading this chapter. Feel free to consider the following questions as well as the "What do you think?" questions within the chapter in shaping your response. Keep in mind, however, we are not looking for a list of answers to the questions.
Manning, Erik (2019, May 5) 19 Essential Bible Verses and Passages on Apologetics, Retrieved from